Owls, Nightjars and other birds
We´ll travel to the Coastal Range to look for owls and other birds. Among them the elusive Rufous-legged Owl, a near-endemic to Chile and a specialty of the Temperate Rain forest, which has inspired many legends and folklore.
We´ll arrive before dusk to watch and listen to the birds as they call off the day by singing and calling before they retire to rest, such as: Green-backed Firecrown, Chilean Flicker, Thorn-tailed Rayadito, White-throated Treeruner, Austral Thrush, Southern House Wren, White-crested Elaenia, Chilean Swallow, Austral Blackbird, Rufous-collared Sparrow and Central Chile endemics including: Dusky-tailed Canastero, Moustached Turca, White-throated Tapaculo and Chilean Mockingbird.
After sunset we´ll focus on our main targets, owls like: American Barn Owl, Magellanic Horned Owl, Austral Pygmy-Owl and Greater Band-winged Nightjar.
Duration: 6 to 12 hours.
Throughout the year.
Meet and depart
Santiago, Valparaiso or Viña del Mar.
From Sun Feb 19,2023 To Sat Feb 20,2021
Cargando . . .