
As a specialized company devoted exclusively to birdwatching, we offer an ample diversity of Birding and Wildlife Trips in Chile, an incredibly diverse country comprising a variety of landscapes from the majestic Northern Altiplano and Atacama desert to the stunningly beautiful Chilean Fjords, evergreen Subantarctic Southern Beech woods, Mediterranean forests, coastal wetlands, seashore, coastal range forest, Andean mountain valleys and bogs, Pacific ocean, in short, an array of environments as contrasting as Chile´s breathtaking geography, plus the chance to take a customized, tailor-made Trip designed to meet your most particular birding demands.

Special Programs: Day Trips

DAY TRIPS around Santiago and Valparaiso/Viña del Mar. Depending on the available time, we offer the following Half- and Full-Day Programs:

Upcoming Trips



Oct 04 Expedición Brasil 2025



Mar 07 Central Chilean Andes



Mar 06 Coastal Range & Mediterranean Forest


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